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in prep


in prep

Fitzgerald, J.L., J.E. Ogilvie, P.J. CaraDonna. Intraspecific body size variation across distributional moments reveals trait filtering processes. Journal of Animal Ecology, Special Issue on intraspecific variation in evolution and ecology. [pdf]


Fitzgerald, J.L., J.E. Ogilvie, P.J. CaraDonna. Ecological drivers and consequences of bumble bee body size variation. Environmental Entomology, 51(6): 1055-1068. [pdf]


Fitzgerald, J.L., K.L. Stuble, L.M. Nichols, S.E. Diamond, T.R. Wentworth, S.L. Pelini, N.J. Gotelli, N.J. Sanders, R.R. Dunn, CA. Penick. Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming, Ecosphere 12(4):e03473.


Pinilla-Gallego, M.S., E.E. Williams, A. Davies, J.L. Fitzgerald, S. McArt, R.E. Irwin. Within-Colony Transmission of Microsporidian and Trypanosomatid Parasites in Honey Bee and Bumble Bee Colonies, Environmental Entomology 49, no. 6 (2020): 1393-1401.


Beasley, D.E., J.L. Fitzgerald, A. Fowler, K. Keleher, M.M. Lopez-Uribe, S.D. Frank, D.R. Tarpy, R.R. Dunn. Do Bee Wings Adapt for Flight in Urban Environments? Southeastern Naturalist 18, no. 2 (2019):183–191.


Fitzgerald, J.L., J.E. Ogilvie, P.J. CaraDonna. Do morphological integration and trait scaling influence foraging specialization in bumble bees? In preparation for The American Naturalist. 


Schenker, O.J.*, J.L. Fitzgerald, K.C. Arrowsmith. Allometric scaling and variation in proboscis length across Rocky Mountain bumble bees (Bombus spp.). In preparation for The Southwestern Naturalist.

​     * = undergraduate student


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